The Listel Hotel Whistler

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Why Book Your Summer Vacation Now

Why Book Your Summer Vacation Now

You might still be in winter mode and that’s okay. But as the weather warms and the bears come out of hibernation, there’s no denying that summer is looming. Trading in your skis for a bike and your boots for runners isn’t a black or white process but booking your summer vacation should be and it should happen sooner rather than later. Consider these reasons why it’s smarter to book your summer vacation now!

Best Deals

Depending on how far in advance you are looking, you may qualify for early booking offers such as our Early Bird Offer. This can save you a significant amount of money. The closer you get to summer, the more expensive hotels can be. By making your travel and accommodation plans in advance, you can ensure that you get the best prices possible.

Less Stress

Those who plan their summer vacation last minute will have less time to prepare for their trip. Starting early means that everything will be in order- passports, visas, transportation, and activities. If you plan ahead, you will always have a greater peace of mind after you book your trip.

More Time

The further you book in advance the more time you have to request time off work, research everything there is to do in Whistler, and plan your transportation options.


It can be tempting to wait until the last minute by the longer you wait to book your vacation, the fewer options you have.  That’s because the closer you get to summer, the faster hotels get fully booked. By booking your vacation early, you can ensure that you have access to the exact dates that you want!

Fewer Mistakes

The more time you have to explore your options, the less likely you will make travel booking mistakes. It’s easy to overlook things when booking a last-minute trip travel. Spending more time on planning now lets you take your time to choose the right accommodations, dates, and plan accordingly.


Planning your vacation, learning about the place you’ll be experiencing, and talking about your upcoming trip with family and friends can be a crucial component of your enjoyment. In fact, participants in one study were happier anticipating a vacation than they were reminiscing upon their return. And the earlier you plan, the more time you have to immerse yourself in the upcoming event.

Plan early and reap the benefits, contact the Listel Hotel today to begin organizing the summer vacation of your dreams in Whistler.